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You have the opportunity to add your member views on Charpsy.
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Tell us your stories of hope, encouragement, happiness or everyday tribulations. The Charpsy community is a social network with listening ears, empathy and compassion since we’ve been there too.
It’s Better to Be Heard
You’ll feel better for speaking out your story to be heard. It’s scientifically proven that keeping your words all locked inside will (proportionately and statistically higher) slow your healing process. In other words the more you speak your stories of hardship the better your start of the journey to healing.
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The Charpsy Blog
Tips and Insider Tricks to Just About Everything You Need
The Charpsy blog is written by qualified psychologists and is informative in just about everything for tips and insider tricks to your recovery, betterment, joy, living, and life.
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For a limited time only see what we’re offering members with our Blog for Guest to read? See here.
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